SadConsole provides a controls and forms-like framework for you to display GUI controls in your game. This includes controls like buttons, checkboxes, and lists. You can use the controls provided by SadConsole, extend those controls, or build your own controls.
UI related types are in these two namespaces:
- Basic supporting objects, such as the controls host, colors, and window types.SadConsole.UI.Controls
- All of the controls provided by SadConsole.
Create and show controls
Controls are hosted and managed by the SadConsole.UI.ControlHost component. When this component is added to a surface, that surface has can draw controls, which the user can interact with. Controls are added to the component and not the surface directly.
The following code demonstrates a ScreenSurface
with a ControlHost
component. A control is added to the component:
ScreenSurface surfaceObject = new(GameHost.Instance.ScreenCellsX, GameHost.Instance.ScreenCellsY);ControlHost controls = new(); surfaceObject.SadComponents.Add(controls);ListBox list = new(18, 7);list.DrawBorder = true;list.Items.Add("John");list.Items.Add("Steve");list.Items.Add("Nancy");list.Items.Add("Lewis");list.Items.Add("Karl");list.Items.Add("Carl with a C");list.Position = new Point(1, 1);controls.Add(list);GameHost.Instance.Screen = surfaceObject;
The SadConsole.UI.ControlsConsole type combines a Console (which inherits from ScreenSurface
) with the ControlHost component. The host is exposed through the Controls property. To demonstrate, the example from the previous section has been rewritten to use ControlsConsole
instead of ScreenSurface
ControlsConsole console = new(GameHost.Instance.ScreenCellsX, GameHost.Instance.ScreenCellsY);ListBox list = new(18, 7);list.DrawBorder = true;list.Items.Add("John");list.Items.Add("Steve");list.Items.Add("Nancy");list.Items.Add("Lewis");list.Items.Add("Karl");list.Items.Add("Carl with a C");list.Position = new Point(1, 1);console.Controls.Add(list);GameHost.Instance.Screen = console;
Color system
All of the controls share a color scheme that each control uses to draw itself. The controls draw themselves with the color scheme based on the state the control is in, such as when the mouse is over the control.
When a control draws itself, it calls the ControlBase.FindThemeColors() method. As indicated by the method name, this method finds the color scheme used in drawing the control. Colors are set globally by default by the SadConsole.UI.Colors.Default property. You can edit these colors to customize the colors for all controls. But, you can set the colors separately from the default set of colors by setting them on the control's host or the control itself. When set on the host, all controls added to that host use those colors instead of the default. Further, if set directly on the control, those colors are used. To summerize, when a control draws itself, it uses the first set of colors it finds based on the following order:
- The control itself. (Colors are set with the SetThemeColors(Colors?) method)
- The control's host's ThemeColors property.
- SadConsole.UI.Colors.Default property.
SadConsole provides two color schemes you can use as the default. Of course, you can always create your own color scheme, but a classic black Ansi-inspired theme and a blue-ish theme are provided. The black theme is the default, and is created by calling the SadConsole.UI.Colors.CreateAnsi() method. The blue theme is created by calling the SadConsole.UI.Colors.CreateSadConsoleBlue() method.
The following sections describe how the color system works with controls, if you're interested in how to simply change the colors, see the following articles:
- How to edit the default colors.
- How to set the colors for a host.
- How to set the colors for a control.
Control color theme parts
The Colors object has a few properties representing a standard set of named colors, such as Red or Gold. It also has a set of properties that represent the foreground and background colors used to draw the control when it's in a specific state. These color combinates are combined into a single ColoredGlyph
object that's used in drawing.
This is what the control looks like when you create it.
colors are combined into theColors.Appearance_ControlNormal
This is what the control looks like when it's disabled and all interaction with it is prevented.
colors are combined into theColors.Appearance_ControlDisabled
This is what the control looks like when it's the focused object. The control host can focus a single object. If there's text on the control, it's generally recolored to indicate it's the focused object.
colors are combined into theColors.Appearance_ControlFocused
property.Mouse Over
When the mouse is over the control, but no buttons are pressed, these are the colors used to draw it.
colors are combined into theColors.Appearance_ControlOver
property.Mouse Down
When the mouse is over the control and a mouse button is pressed, these are the colors ued to draw it.
colors are combined into theColors.Appearance_ControlMouseDown
This is what the control looks like when it's in the selected state. This state is used by the ListBox control to color the selected item.
colors are combined into theColors.Appearance_ControlSelected
When you adjust the individual colors, such as Colors.ControlForegroundNormal
, use the RebuildAppearances() method to combine the two colors into the final Colors.Appearance_*
property. You can also change the Colors.Appearance_*
properties directly, but don't forget to also change the associated foreground and background colors too.
Control host
The ControlHost component recolors the hosting surface it's attached to the color's designated by the Colors.ControlHostBackground
and Colors.ControlHostForeground
properties. This happens one time, when the component is added to the surface object. You can prevent this by setting the ControlHost.ClearOnAdded property to false
before the component is added.
To learn how to change the colors of a host, see How to set the colors for a host.
Reference: Built-in controls
The following is a list of common controls provided by SadConsole:
- Button
- Button3d
- ButtonBox
- CheckBox
- ComboBox
- DrawingArea
- Label
- ListBox
- NumberBox
- ProgressBar
- RadioButton
- SelectionButton
- TextBox
- ToggleSwitch
The following is a list of specialized controls. These are more advanced than the simple common control previously listed; these support are either container controls or support other controls.
- Panel
- ScrollBar
- SurfaceViewer
- TabControl
The following is a list of base classes used for other controls:
This is the base class for all controls. When you want to create a completely new control, you inherit from this class.
This is a base class that contains multiple other controls. For example, the
is aCompositeControl
that hosts aScrollBar
This is the base class for all button types, such as
Inherits from
and is the base class for all button types that have an on and off state, such as aCheckBox