Was sind die effektivsten Zeitmanagement-Tools für Remote-Teams? (2024)

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Remote-Arbeit ist in den letzten Jahren immer häufiger und beliebter geworden, insbesondere aufgrund der Pandemie. Die Arbeit von zu Hause aus bringt jedoch auch einige Herausforderungen mit sich, um die Zeit effektiv und effizient zu verwalten. Wie können Remote-Teams auf Kurs bleiben, gut kommunizieren und ihre Fristen einhalten, ohne die Qualität oder Ausgewogenheit zu beeinträchtigen? In diesem Artikel werden wir einige der effektivsten Zeitmanagement-Tools für Remote-Teams untersuchen, die ihnen helfen können, ihre Ziele zu erreichen und ihre Produktivität zu steigern.

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  • Brian Walsh I build tech that accelerates business. | 7X Digital Transformation Lead | Director, Head of Software Engineering, IoT…

    Was sind die effektivsten Zeitmanagement-Tools für Remote-Teams? (3) 3

  • Israel Ngombo

    Was sind die effektivsten Zeitmanagement-Tools für Remote-Teams? (5) Was sind die effektivsten Zeitmanagement-Tools für Remote-Teams? (6) 5

  • Corey Elder Sales at Helium 10 📈 | Skydiving 🪂 | Improv🎙 | Comedy 🎭

    Was sind die effektivsten Zeitmanagement-Tools für Remote-Teams? (8) 5

Was sind die effektivsten Zeitmanagement-Tools für Remote-Teams? (9) Was sind die effektivsten Zeitmanagement-Tools für Remote-Teams? (10) Was sind die effektivsten Zeitmanagement-Tools für Remote-Teams? (11)

1 Kalender-Apps

Eines der grundlegendsten und wichtigsten Zeitmanagement-Tools für Remote-Teams ist eine Kalender-App. Mit einer Kalender-App können Sie Ihre Aufgaben, Termine, Besprechungen und Fristen übersichtlich und organisiert planen. Sie können Ihren Kalender auch mit Ihren Teammitgliedern, Kunden und Stakeholdern synchronisieren, damit alle auf dem gleichen Stand sind und Konflikte oder Überschneidungen vermeiden können. Eine Kalender-App kann Ihnen auch dabei helfen, Erinnerungen, Benachrichtigungen und Warnungen festzulegen, damit Sie nichts Wichtiges oder Dringendes verpassen. Zu den beliebtesten Kalender-Apps gehören Google Kalender, Outlook und Calendly.

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2 Projektmanagement-Software

Ein weiteres wichtiges Zeitmanagement-Tool für Remote-Teams ist eine Projektmanagement-Software. Eine Projektmanagement-Software hilft Ihnen, Ihre Projekte von Anfang bis Ende zu planen, zu verfolgen und zu verwalten. Sie können Aufgaben erstellen, Rollen und Verantwortlichkeiten zuweisen, Fristen und Meilensteine festlegen, Fortschritt und Status überwachen und mit Ihren Teammitgliedern und anderen Parteien zusammenarbeiten. Eine Projektmanagement-Software kann Ihnen auch dabei helfen, Ihren Arbeitsablauf zu visualisieren, Ihre Aufgaben zu priorisieren und Probleme zu identifizieren und zu lösen. Zu den am weitesten verbreiteten Projektmanagement-Softwares gehören Asana, Trello und Basecamp.

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  • Corey Elder Sales at Helium 10 📈 | Skydiving 🪂 | Improv🎙 | Comedy 🎭
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    I'm biased here as I work for PMS company, but it's incredible the value that the teams I work with have seen from leveraging ClickUp. My greatest advice would be to vet a variety of different solutions and, once you find the right one, INVEST in the implementation. Shelfware is valuable to no one, and an ineffective implementation can turn the greatest tool in the world into a useless app.


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  • Kitty Sanders Human Resources Generalist at Quorum Federal Credit Union
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    Whichever PMS you choose for your organization, you will want to train some change champions to facilitate learning sessions and get your employees comfortable using the system. There will always be some degree of resistance to change in the workplace, but you can get ahead of it by piloting with a select group of highly-motivated employees.


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  • Bindu Kuppili Program Lead at TEKWISSEN ® (Actively Hiring for multiple positions in Pharma | Biotech | Medical Devices | Clinical Research)
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    Slack: Enables real-time messaging, file sharing, and integration with other tools.Microsoft Teams: Combines chat, video conferencing, and file sharing within the Microsoft 365 ecosystem.Zoom: For video conferencing and online meetings.Google Workspace (formerly G Suite): Includes Gmail, Google Docs, Google Sheets, and Google Calendar for seamless collaboration.


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    I am still surprised at the number of people not using a PMS for their small team or even individual work. They are cheap or free (eg. if you have a Teams account you have either To Do, Planner, Azure Boards or all three already) and the visualization of seeing all your work but also the physical timing of when projects can be done is project-level life changing. They are must-use programs - especially those with a board feature - for someone who struggles with work life balance or finding time between meetings to do work, but are most beneficial to folks with multiple remote direct reports or who struggle (or your team struggles) to meet deadlines you yourself set when asked for a date by a project sponsor or leader months ago.


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  • Ross Lindhout Marketing Communications Specialist at Rehmann
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    Monday.com is a really effective and user freindly project management tool! I use it with my team and it helps to create a lot of consistent processes and workflows. Working on the brand side of the organization, some workflows that are useful for my team include content, advertising, and social media workflows. Training for a software like this is important. Specific Monday.com champions were identified to lead the charge. These champions implemented monthly Monday.com meetings open to my full team. The time would be used for trainings, to answer any questions, and go over updates on the software.Whatever project management tools you use, make sure you train and test regularly to optimize the efficency of the tool!


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3 Zeiterfassungs-Apps

Eine Zeiterfassungs-App ist ein nuetzliches Zeitmanagement-Tool fuer Remote-Teams, die ihre Leistung und Effizienz messen und verbessern moechten. Mit einer Zeiterfassungs-App können Sie aufzeichnen, wie viel Zeit Sie für jede Aufgabe, jedes Projekt oder jeden Kunden aufwenden. Sie können auch Ihre Daten analysieren, Berichte erstellen und Ihre Ergebnisse mit Ihren Zielen und Erwartungen vergleichen. Eine Zeiterfassungs-App kann Ihnen helfen, Ihre Stärken und Schwächen zu identifizieren, Ihren Arbeitsablauf zu optimieren und Ihre Rechenschaftspflicht und Transparenz zu erhöhen. Zu den zuverlässigsten Zeiterfassungs-Apps gehören Clockify, Harvest und Toggl Track.

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    Clockify is a great app. It's also customizable and free. It's easy to track time and create a clear view of where it goes. It can also be integrated with Outlook.


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    The use of time tracking apps with a remote team needs to be done with diligence and care. Implementing one can seem like "big brother" and micromanagement. The mission must be to help the team to be more productive by understanding how to reduce wasteful company processes, not individual challenges.Starting out with something like, "We are going to track everyone's time to truly understand how much time we are spending in meetings. From those results we can better understand which are really needed."From there, you can expand into other categories.


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  • Syed Muhammad Owais Marketing Manager at SHAFFER by Grace Fabrics | X Bonanza | X Ronin | X Infinix |
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    a time tracking app is a powerful tool for remote teams striving to boost their performance and efficiency. Here's why it's a game-changer for remote work:Accurate Measurement: Time tracking apps provide an accurate record of how much time is spent on various tasks, projects, or clients. This level of detail is essential for understanding where your team's time is going and making informed decisions.Data Analysis: Beyond just tracking time, these apps allow you to analyse the data. You can gain insights into which tasks consume the most time, helping you identify areas where efficiency can be improved.


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  • Weronika Zychlinska Knowledge and Quality Coordinator || Quality Analyst Professional || Employer Branding || Customer Service Experience
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    Time tracking apps have revolutionised the way we manage our time and work. Whether you're a freelancer, a team leader tracking project progress, or just someone trying to understand how you spend your day, these apps offer an accurate and efficient solution.


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  • Dee Mia Management experience with leading teams effectively with a passion for architecting perfect business processes and bringing alive team successes in data visualisation. A combination driven by dedication and passion.
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    I use Harvest and it is one of the best I have used. I recommend it to everyone that asks what time tracking tool I use to invoice my clients. It provides detailed time allocations and generates invoices.


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4 Kommunikations-Tools

Kommunikation ist für jedes Team von entscheidender Bedeutung, insbesondere aber für Remote-Teams, die an verschiedenen Standorten, in verschiedenen Zeitzonen und in verschiedenen Kulturen arbeiten. Kommunikationstools sind unverzichtbare Zeitmanagement-Tools für Remote-Teams, die in Verbindung, informiert und engagiert bleiben möchten. Kommunikationstools ermöglichen es Ihnen, Nachrichten, Dateien, Feedback und Ideen mit Ihren Teammitgliedern und anderen Parteien auszutauschen. Sie können auch Besprechungen, Präsentationen und Schulungen per Video- oder Audioanruf durchführen. Kommunikationstools können Ihnen helfen, Missverständnisse zu reduzieren, die Zusammenarbeit zu verbessern und Vertrauen und Beziehungen aufzubauen. Zu den beliebtesten Kommunikationstools gehören Slack, Zoom und Skype.

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  • Calé DeLaura Demand Gen Manager at PDQ | marketing should be fun
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    Hands down it has to be Slack. The amount of email that has been eliminated in my daily routine is wild. It's nice to keep email for large projects or external communications. Slack allows quick chats and calls to keep things moving. On top of the productivity it creates it's also fun and keeps people connected. Fun channels offer a nice way to recreate the break room conversations in a remote workplace.


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  • Latoya Addy, SHRM-CP VP of People Operations | Strategic Planning | HR Data Operations | Process Optimization
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    Team communication is crucial in any organization as it facilitates collaboration, efficiency, and effective decision-making. Using a communication tool like the Band app can streamline this process in several ways: by centralizing discussions, scheduling, file sharing, and ensuring privacy. It boosts collaboration and efficiency. Great resource to have in your toolkit.


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  • Amir Arani, CPA, CA Consultant, Investor + Founder, Audit Friendly
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    Email/inbox management tools (tagging/collaborating/prioritizing) are effective for teams as well. In Accounting and Finance, the AP team can get incredibly bogged down with a perpetual flow of emails and requests/inquiries. Using an inbox management tool such as Hiver/Front can create some structure and balance to a chaotic process.


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  • Tylar Weber Project Manager II at Inizio Evoke
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    Communication is key. And trust your team. This seems basic, but our Project Management and Creative team have a Word document that the PMs update every night with the creative person’s name and the jobs in-progress and due the next day or that week. It goes out to all teams the next morning. It gives a high-level overview of what each creative person is working on and when it’s due. Very helpful.


  • Ehab Hegazy 🚀 Head of Product at Nybl, skilful in building B2B SaaS products, focusing on being the customer's voice, leading cross-functional teams to success, and a veteran in project delivery and digital transformation.
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    I see MS Teams as a one-stop shop communication tool for all team communications. It's a workspace for meetings, real-time collaboration and communication, and file and app sharing.


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5 Pomodoro-Technik

Die Pomodoro-Technik ist eine einfache, aber effektive Zeitmanagementmethode, die Remote-Teams helfen kann, ihren Fokus, ihre Konzentration und ihre Motivation zu verbessern. Bei der Pomodoro-Technik wird Ihre Arbeit in 25-Minuten-Intervalle, sogenannte Pomodoros, unterteilt, die durch 5-Minuten-Pausen getrennt sind. Nach vier Pomodoro machst du eine längere Pause von 15 bis 30 Minuten. Die Pomodoro-Technik kann Ihnen helfen, Ablenkungen zu vermeiden, Stress abzubauen und Ihre Produktivität und Kreativität zu steigern. Sie können einen Timer, eine App oder eine Website verwenden, um die Pomodoro-Technik zu implementieren. Einige der praktischsten Tools sind Tomato Timer, Pomodone und Pomofocus.

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  • Brian Walsh I build tech that accelerates business. | 7X Digital Transformation Lead | Director, Head of Software Engineering, IoT Data @ National Grid | CISSP, MBA, SAFe 6 Agilist, PMP
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    Pomodoro technique works great across all levels of an organization. Find a company that supports balance. It will pay off dividends for you every single day. Setting meetings as either 25 min or 45 min instead of 30 min or 60 min enable the team members to have time to catchup on emails, take a personal call, get a bio break, or just put their feet up for a second. It is a very helpful method to enable the team with structured time management.


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  • Katrina Crosby
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    I enjoy using the pomodoro technique, but find I need to adapt it as I don't often have 25+ min of uninterrupted time available. Instead, I shorten the time to a period that I have available. I find the technique helpful in two main ways:1. For tasks I don't like doing, I know I can make myself do anything for a short period of time, and then I've made progress (and often completed) a task that I may have otherwise avoided. 2. If it's a task that I really enjoy doing, I can sometimes get caught up and spend way too much time on it, to the detriment of my other work. A timer gives me the freedom to get 'lost' in the work but pulls me out before it negatively impacts my whole schedule.


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  • Nadia Ghani People-Centric HR Professional | Committed to Creating Positive and Inclusive Workplaces for All | CHRP Candidate
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    The Pomodoro Technique is a great way to manage time effectively. Those 5-minute breaks after every 25-minute of work, is essential for mental well-being. It boosts not only wellness, but also increases productivity at work. Whenever I see anyone getting overwhelmed, I tell them to use the Pomodoro Technique as you can break the tasks into more manageable chunks.The best way is to use a timer to track work.And don't forget to hydrate 😊


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  • Syed Muhammad Owais Marketing Manager at SHAFFER by Grace Fabrics | X Bonanza | X Ronin | X Infinix |
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    Certainly, here's a personal story from my experience to illustrate how the Pomodoro Technique can be a game-changer for remote teams: I found myself struggling to maintain focus and productivity while working remotely. The endless distractions of home life and the lack of colleagues around made it challenging to stay on track. That's when I decided to give the Pomodoro Technique a try.I started using a simple Pomodoro timer app on my phone, and the results were remarkable. Breaking my work into 25-minute intervals made tasks feel more manageable. Knowing I had a defined, focused period to work on a task pushed me to concentrate deeply. It was astonishing how much I could accomplish during those uninterrupted 25 minutes.


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  • Weronika Zychlinska Knowledge and Quality Coordinator || Quality Analyst Professional || Employer Branding || Customer Service Experience


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    The Pomodoro Technique is a fantastic time management method that helps increase productivity and focus. It's a simple and effective way to prevent burnout. I've personally found it to be a game changer in my daily routine, allowing me to tackle tasks with renewed energy and efficiency. Give it a try if you haven't already; you might be surprised at the positive impact it can have on your productivity!


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6 Selbstfürsorge-Praktiken

Schließlich ist eines der wichtigsten, aber oft übersehenen Zeitmanagement-Tools für Remote-Teams die Selbstfürsorge. Selbstfürsorge bezieht sich auf die Aktivitäten und Gewohnheiten, die Sie ausführen, um sich um Ihr körperliches, geistiges und emotionales Wohlbefinden zu kümmern. Die Arbeit von zu Hause aus kann herausfordernd und stressig sein und sich auf Ihre Gesundheit, Stimmung und Leistung auswirken. Selbstfürsorge kann Ihnen helfen, mit dem Druck umzugehen, Arbeit und Privatleben in Einklang zu bringen und Burnout und Müdigkeit vorzubeugen. Zu den vorteilhaftesten Selbstfürsorgepraktiken gehören das Setzen von Grenzen, Pausen, Bewegung, Meditation und guter Schlaf.

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  • Kitty Sanders Human Resources Generalist at Quorum Federal Credit Union
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    Lead by example in setting work-life boundaries. If you don't want your employees to feel like they have to answer emails late at night, don't be the one to send them late at night! You can use scheduled send functions instead if the matter isn't urgent.


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  • Brian Walsh I build tech that accelerates business. | 7X Digital Transformation Lead | Director, Head of Software Engineering, IoT Data @ National Grid | CISSP, MBA, SAFe 6 Agilist, PMP
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    Lead by example. Be fully present when in a meeting. Be fully present when writing an email. Be fully present when out of office. Show you care and let what will be, be, with those who choose to expect people to work 24x7. It is your choice how you respond to their style and through thoughtful relationships, you can help a workaholic understand that you have an integrated life and feel more healthy because of it.


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  • Monika Jankauskaite
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    I agree with the comment that one should show example. Think how urgent something is and then ask. Sometimes self-care isn’t about doing other things, it simply is about not loosing perspective and maintaining calm attitude.


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  • Bob Corrigan I help employers build an easy to use benefits package | 800k amazed | Regional Sales Director (Benefit helper) @ Navia Benefit Solutions, Inc.
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    It's integral to be inspired and have accountability when it comes to self-care. Forming a remote community with co-workers can be tough and I think this works best when it comes from the top-down. When an organization budgets for supporting the team's health, there's a measurable ROI in terms of healthcare plan spending. Does your company encourage fitness? meditation? taking PTO? These are things employees look for and is a great strategy to boost productivity, as well as attracting and retaining talent.


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7 Hier ist, was Sie sonst noch beachten sollten

Dies ist ein Ort, an dem Sie Beispiele, Geschichten oder Erkenntnisse teilen können, die in keinen der vorherigen Abschnitte passen. Was möchten Sie noch hinzufügen?

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  • Lynn Walder (she/her/hers) Executive Operations Scaling Consultant | Mission-driven Industries | Partnering with Founder CEOs
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    While this may seem to be only an adjacency to the initial question of "What are the most effective time management tools for remote teams?", I believe it is the fundamental foundation that leads into all the other answers above...TRANSPARENTLY STRUCTURING & CONSISTENTLY COMMUNICATING CORPORATE GOALS (OKRs).Effective time management stems from a clear understanding of priorities, deadlines and defined accountability (around decision-making & resources). Get this fundamental correct, effective time management follows.


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    Being remote, I have utilized many different strategies, and here is what works best (for me):-Power Breaks: I take a 5 to 10 min break every hour. Just get up, walk, stretch or get on my phone (with a timer).-Snacking: every 3 hours, I will take a 15 mins snacking break or do dishes or something outside of work. This gets me into a different mindset which gives my mind a break and then back to it.-Schedule EVERYTHING: On my teams calendar, I schedule everything including by lunch breaks and any time I have to dedicate to something else.-Say No: Don't accommodate work requests in times that you have blocked off for family. Keep the focus on family.Lastly, prioritize as follows: God, Family, Work.Hope this helps.


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  • Chris H. Passionate about creating positive change ︱ Inspiring others to reach their full potential
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    Incorporating a knowledge management system is essential for remote teams, aiding in efficient information organization and retrieval. Implementing standardized workflows and leveraging automation tools like Zapier or Integromat can significantly streamline processes, minimizing errors and enhancing productivity. Additionally, fostering a culture of regular feedback and performance reviews within the team can promote accountability and motivation and ultimately improve time management and overall team efficiency.


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  • Richard Leong DEI Consultant/Facilitator | Asian American Community Organizer | EX @ Chegg
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    I find it striking that leadership modeling the behavior they want to see isn't listed here. It's by far way more impactful than any app, software, or individual employee practice.If you want to see junior employees responsive and accessible during core hours of the day, leaders need to do that first.If you want to see junior employees setting meaningful boundaries to be able to engage in self-care, manage home responsibilities, and prevent burnout, leaders need to be doing that first.And if you want to see junior employees embracing new collaborative or communication technology, leaders have to do that first too.


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  • Nesmah Ibrahim, ACIS Group Corporate Secretary
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    Use calendar to book appointments and also focus time which you need to work on specific tasks. Set your working hours in your calendar so that people remotely booking meetings are aware if the time is outside your working hours.


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Author: Errol Quitzon

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Views: 5940

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Reviews: 90% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Errol Quitzon

Birthday: 1993-04-02

Address: 70604 Haley Lane, Port Weldonside, TN 99233-0942

Phone: +9665282866296

Job: Product Retail Agent

Hobby: Computer programming, Horseback riding, Hooping, Dance, Ice skating, Backpacking, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.