Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (2024)

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (1)

This article covers Kokichi Oma's Love Across the Universe date events, which feature in Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony. In this article you will find a guide to which date options give the best results and full transcripts of each date.


  • 1 Mechanics
  • 2 Dates
    • 2.1 AV Room
      • 2.1.1 Date 1
      • 2.1.2 Date 2
      • 2.1.3 Date 3
    • 2.2 Dining Room
      • 2.2.1 Date 1
      • 2.2.2 Date 2
      • 2.2.3 Date 3
    • 2.3 Library
      • 2.3.1 Date 1
      • 2.3.2 Date 2
      • 2.3.3 Date 3
    • 2.4 Gym
      • 2.4.1 Date 1
      • 2.4.2 Date 2
      • 2.4.3 Date 3
    • 2.5 Courtyard
      • 2.5.1 Date 1
      • 2.5.2 Date 2
      • 2.5.3 Date 3
  • 3 General Reactions
  • 4 Harmonious Heart
    • 4.1 Transcript
    • 4.2 Options
  • 5 Kokichi's Graduation Event
  • 6 Navigation


Shuichi must first completeKokichi's Free Time Event route and obtain all 5 hearts before he is able to access the use of Date Tickets. For a guide to Kokichi's Free Time Event route, see: Free Time Events/Kokichi Oma.

After completing Kokichi's Free Time Event route, he must then use Date Tickets, purchasable from the Casino at the end of each day, and choose a location. Each location has 3 separate sets of activities to choose from, for a total of 9 per location. Depending on the option chosen, Shuichi will receive a different response:

Best Option1 heart
Good Option½ heart
Bad OptionNo hearts
Worst OptionNo hearts

When getting close to 10 full hearts (which can be checked at Monokuma at the school entrance), Kokichi's Harmonious Heart event will be triggered at random, which is a Non-Stop Debate style minigame that gives Shuichi an insight into Kokichi's inner thoughts.

Achieving 10 hearts will unlock Kokichi's ending at the end of Love Across the Universe. On the 10th day, Shuichi will be in the courtyard with any characters that he has earned full max reputation with. Talking to them will trigger a final dialogue choice option. If the player selects the correct answer, they will receive that character's special present - that character's underwear. Kokichi's heart status carries on into subsequent playthroughs of Love Across the Universe, and his graduation event can be viewed for each subsequent playthrough until they reset the mode.


AV Room[]

Date 1[]

Watch a documentaryon the police

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (2)

I truly respect police officers.
They fight the bad guys for their country, but the public blames them anyway...
It's really weird to me that people don't respect the police more.

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (3)

Y'know, that's why I respect you too, Shuichi.
Both detectives and the police aim to find the culprit.
You take on such an unprofitable and boring job...
Shuichi, you're really amazing.

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (4)

That's not exactly a compliment, Kokichi...

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (5)

Good, it seems like we both had a lot of fun.
Watch a documentary on bugs

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (6)

Wow, Shuichi. You made an awesome suggestion!
I've always wanted to understand Gonta more!

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (7)

A decent human such as myself can't fathom why anyone would like these creepy things.
You feel the same way as me, right Shuichi? You and I really do get along!

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (8)

I think this conversation went well.
Watch a documentaryon criminal organizations

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (9)

Watching documentaries like these makes my heart ache...
Why can't these people ever think about giving, instead of taking from each other?
The world could be so peaceful if people just changed themselves...
That makes me so sad...

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (10)

...Even though you're the leader of an evil organization?

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (11)

Damn, this is awkward...

Date 2[]

Watch a comedy movie

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (12)

These are nice, because you don't have to think when you watch them.
My head's always filled with complicated thoughts.

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (13)

Especially since I'm the leader of a super evil organization, y'know?
That's why mindless movies like these are like a breath of fresh air.

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (14)

I'm not surprised the Ultimate Detective figured out this secret of mine.
No matter how many times I'm reborn, I'll be no match for the likes of you.

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (15)

Good, it seems like we both had a lot of fun.
Watch an action movie

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (16)

Action movies are so refreshing.
When the hero defeats the evil organization, it's totally exhilarating!

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (17)

Y'know, since our brains are wired to root for good instead of evil.

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (18)

...Perhaps...this is Kokichi's way of joking.

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (19)

I think this conversation went well.
Watch an anime movie

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (20)

I'm not really into kiddy stuff like this.
Anime has unrelatable plots like heroes of justice or supreme leaders of evil.

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (21)

C'mon, really!? Don't underestimate the audience's intelligence with that silly BS!

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (22)

...I won't even start with that one.

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (23)

Damn, this is awkward...

Date 3[]

Play dominoes with the movie boxes

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (24)

Huh!? Dominoes!? With movie boxes!?
Do you think a supreme leader of evil would do something so childish!?
Who do ya think I am!?

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (25) might be fun if we try it out!
People always say try new things in life, so how about we go for the Guiness world record!?

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (26)


Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (27)

Good, it seems like we both had a lot of fun.
We should focus on reality, not movies

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (28)

Wow, Shuichi. I was just thinking the same exact thing.
Reality is more important than movies. That's so true.
I can't believe we thought about something so useless at the same exact time...

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (29)

Maybe you and I were lovers in a past life!

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (30)

I think this conversation went well.
I might fall asleep...

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (31)

Hmm... Well, I don't feel like napping. Not in the slightest bit.
You're still a li'l kid, Shuichi.

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (32)

Damn, this is awkward...

Dining Room[]

Date 1[]

Let's go through the trash

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (33)

You know me so well, Shuichi!
I love to look through trash more than anything else in the world!
I get so obsessed with looking through trash that I forget to eat or drink!

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (34)

...But that's obviously a lie.
Maaan, when I'm with you, I have so much fun that it makes me lie even more!

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (35)

Good, it seems like we both had a lot of fun.
Let's cook something

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (36)

Didn't I tell you before? I'm not good at cooking.
When I hold a knife, I get super nervous about nicking my own hand...

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (37)

I'm a useless supreme leader of evil who can't even hold a blade...

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (38)

...But that's obviously a lie.

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (39)

I don't even know myself...
But why do I like lying to you so much, Shuichi?

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (40)

You probably have a knack for pulling the lies out of me.

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (41)

I think this conversation went well.
Let's wash the dishes

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (42)

What!? I don't wanna deal with sloppy messes!
To tell you the truth, whenever I do the dishes...a different personality comes out.
If that guy comes out, everyone's lives will be in danger...
Yeah, I'll pass on doing dishes.

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (43)

If you didn't want to, you could have just said so...
It seems like that didn't go well...

Date 2[]

Let's have some tea

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (44)

By the way, did you know tea leaves were used on livestock's food?
They poured hot water over the tea leaves to sterilize the food. And that's how we got tea!

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (45)

Well, all of that's a lie...
Do you think if we ask Kirumi, she'll tell us the real origin of tea?

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (46)

Good, it seems like we both had a lot of fun.
Let's go in the freezer

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (47)

So you wanna keep a cool head.
Mmhm, I think that's definitely something you need right now, Shuichi!

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (48)

C'mon, step right in! I'll hold the door shut for you, so just relax and freeze your head off!

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (49)

I think this conversation went well.
Let's try fasting

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (50)

I don't even feel like lying right now.

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (51)

Damn, this is awkward...

Date 3[]

Getting horny after a meal

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (52)

Well, you're still a boy after all. I'll tell you something good then.
Even though she doesn't seem like it, Tenko's actually a super perverted girl!

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (53)

There's a reason why she's mean to guys. People call girls like that...tsundere.
So if you're feeling horny, then you should definitely try to go for Tenko.

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (54)

There's a time and a place to lie, Kokichi...

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (55)

Good, it seems like we both had a lot of fun.
Drinking coffee after a meal

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (56)

Why would you say something like that when you know I hate coffee!?

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (57)

...'kay, I feel better now.
All that crying made me thirsty... I'll have some coffee, please.

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (58)


Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (59)

I think this conversation went well.
Exercising after a meal

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (60)

Are you a health nut, Shuichi? That's pretty useless, so let's not.
We're trapped here for the rest of our lives, so there's no point in being healthy.

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (61)

It seems like that didn't go well...


Date 1[]

Let's read a dirty book

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (62)

Do you need to get laid or something, Shuichi?
If so, you should join my secret organization after we get out of here!
If you join my organization, all the food, sleep, and sex will be given to you!

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (63)

...Yeah, yeah. You have no intention of joining.
But if you joined, taking over the world wouldn't be just a dream anymore.

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (64)

Welp! If you change your mind, let me know. We're always willing to accept you.

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (65)

Good, it seems like we both had a lot of fun.
Let's read manga

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (66)

Yeah, manga is great!
All the evil acts in manga and anime make great reference for my organization!
Using poison to turn a teenager into a kid, or making a monster rampage through the city...

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (67)

Seriously...what kind of brain do you need to make such ingenuous plot?
I wonder if any popular manga artists would wanna become my organization's consultant?

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (68)

I think this conversation went well.
This is boring...

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (69)

If you're bored, then that means I must be boring you...

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (70)

How could you say something sooooooooo mean!?

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (71)

Well, this isn't something to cry over...
But I think it's really rude to say you're bored when you're with someone, y'know?

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (72)

It seems like that didn't go well...

Date 2[]

Let's study

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (73)

O-kay! What do you wanna study?
By the way, my favorite subject is world domination!
Shuichi, your favorite subject must be...

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (74)

Oh yeah, it's murder!
Kill the victim yourself and then solve the mystery! You'll become the best detective!

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (75)

Good, it seems like we both had a lot of fun.
I'm getting sleepy...

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (76)

Do you wanna do something stimulating then?
Like...destroying the world or unmasking the true identity of a superhero.

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (77)

But you're pretty sheltered, so that might be a bit too much for you.

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (78)

I think this conversation went well.
Sure is dusty in here

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (79) it?
You must have some small cojones if you're worried about a little dust, Shuichi.

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (80)

It seems like that didn't go well...

Date 3[]

Let's clean up a little

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (81)

Leave it to me! I'm really good at cleaning!
I've cleaned up a loooot of things before.

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (82)

Like enemy organizations and cops...
Oh yeah, I also took on the entire country before, too...

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (83)

Well, that's a lie.

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (84)

...Is he lying about lying?

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (85)

Good, it seems like we both had a lot of fun.
Let's make a tower of books

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (86)

You're still a child, Shuichi.
But I don't *dislike* that!

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (87)

From a social standpoint, making a tower out of books at our age is pretty embarrassing...
The idea of it doesn't make any sense either...

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (88)

But our childish side is something we should never lose.

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (89)


Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (90)

I think this conversation went well.
Let's read a book on consiracy theories

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (91)

I can't believe you would be into a book like this.
An advisor who controls politics from behind the scenes, or an organization full of criminals...
There's no way any of that is real. Don't waste my time with silly lies.

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (92)


Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (93)

It seems like that didn't go well...


Date 1[]

Let's get our bodies moving

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (94)

Yeah! Since we came all this way to the gym, let's exercise!

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (95)

There's a type of people... Y'know who I'm talking about, right?
People who sleep at libraries, or people who don't order burgers at a burger restaurant.

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (96)

You really can't trust weirdos like that.
Why can't they understand that being straightforward is the best?

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (97)

Well, at least we're good. We're pretty honest with ourselves.

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (98)

*You're* pretty honest with yourself?

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (99)

Good, it seems like we both had a lot of fun.
Let's clean up a little

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (100)

Hm? It's a pain, but alright. If we don't do it...I guess someone else will do it anyway.
Well, I mean if you wanna, we can...

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (101)

Then I'll be on surveillance duty to make sure you're working!

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (102)

I think this conversation went well.
I'm tired...

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (103)

Hm, you're okay with doing nothing? Was that a joke?
If so, then that's not funny.

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (104)

Damn, this is awkward...

Date 2[]

Ah, maybe we should take off our clothes...?

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (105)

To be honest, I've always wanted to strip for you!

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (106) something you probably wanted to hear, huuuh?
Why should I have to strip for you?

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (107)

If you want a stripper, then I recommend Tenko!
She would definitely be on board for that!

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (108)

Good, it seems like we both had a lot of fun.
Let's do some image training

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (109)

What's image training like for a detective? Do you imagine someone dying?
Oohhh, that's nasty. You're a sicko, Shuichi.

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (110)

It seems like that didn't go well...
Let's play basketball

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (111)

I'm not good at sports.
Well, it's not like I'm not *good* at it, but more like I don't *want* to...

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (112)

Even if I do play, nothing good will come out of it, right?
People who play sports everyday must have a screw loose or something.

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (113)

Damn, this is awkward...

Date 3[]

Let's play dodgeball

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (114)

Yaaaay! I was just thinking about playing dodgeball with you, Shuichi!
That way, I can take out all my pent-up anger on you in a perfectly healthy way!

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (115)


Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (116)

Good, it seems like we both had a lot of fun.
I'll just watch you...

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (117)

So you're just gonna watch me exercise?
Um...but why?
If this is a joke, then it's a bad one. Don't ever say it again, okay?

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (118)

It seems like that didn't go well...
Let's burn this place to the ground

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (119)

Does this mean you're ready to do evil with me!? You really wanna join my organization!?
Then, you're more than welcome! You'll be my right-hand man!

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (120)

Huh? That was a lie?
No way...that's so mean! Deceit is the most sinful act in the world!

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (121)

Shuichi tricked meeeeEEEEeeeeEEEEEEeeeeeeEEEEEEeeeeee!!!

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (122)

By the way, the crying's all fake. But I really do feel betrayed.

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (123)

Damn, this is awkward...


Date 1[]

Let's get some fresh air

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (124)

I have to tell you something. Ever since I was born, I was never able to taste food.
So when I eat curry or sushi, I don't taste anything...

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (125)

That's why, I can't taste the air...

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (126)

Oh, Shuichi! Do you have any food that you prefer?
I like sweets! But, spicy is good too!

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (127)


Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (128)

Good, it seems like we both had a lot of fun.
Let's go back inside

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (129)

We think alike, Shuichi!
I didn't feel like going outside today, but then you invited me.
So right when I was thinking about how inconsiderate you were...

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (130) used your Ultimate Detective's intuition and saw right through me! Wow!

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (131)

I think this conversation went well.
Let's go for a run

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (132)

Eeehhh... I'm not in the mood, so I'll pass.
By the way, I'm not lying. Okay?

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (133)

It seems like that didn't go well...

Date 2[]

Let's relax in the sun

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (134)

Sunbathing is niiiice. It's soooo peaceful...
I start thinking about how stupid it is to be the leader of an evil organization.

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (135)

When I get outta here, I'll form a charity organization for the good of others!

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (136)

...That *has* to be a lie.

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (137)

Good, it seems like we both had a lot of fun.
Let's dance!

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (138)

Wow Shuichi, you suggested something hip. I thought you were more of an introvert.

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (139)

Like I imagine you curled up at the corner of your room licking dust or something...

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (140)

That sounds more like a monster...

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (141)

I think this conversation went well.
What a great view...

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (142)

Yup, it reminds me of my hometown! I was born in a place similar to here.
The first time I saw this place, I was like... Whoa, what a coinkydink!

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (143)


Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (144)

Bleeeh, I can't believe I made such a horrible lie... I'm so bored.
God, it's your fault for bringing me to a place like this, Shuichi.

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (145)

It seems like that didn't go well...

Date 3[]

Staying here forever wouldn't be so bad

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (146)

Yeeeeah, I guess. It's not exactly home sweet home, but it'll do.
Maybe I can retire from my organization and stay here for the rest of my life...

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (147)

That's probably better for the world too... O-kay! I've decided!
I vow to never leave this place... for the good of the world!
But you have to stay with me, Shuichi. We gotta be trapped here together forever, okay!?

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (148)

He's lying...right?

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (149)

Good, it seems like we both had a lot of fun.
I've gotten used to being here...

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (150)

That's true, now that you mention it. The only inconvenience is being trapped here...
Everyone here's pretty weird. But if you look past that, then they're alright.

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (151)

...I've been thinking lately.
Maybe I got to where I am today just to live with everyone here.

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (152)

...I'm lying, of course.

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (153)

I'm not so sure...

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (154)

He's lying about lying...

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (155)

I think this conversation went well.
I want to get outside as soon as I can...

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (156)

Really? I don't think someone as socially awkward as you should go outside, y'know.
You should just stay where you are. In a lukewarm environment.
There's probably no way to escape from here anyway, so it's pointless to think about it.

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (157)

It seems like that didn't go well...

General Reactions[]

These dialogues are the reactions Shuichi will receive at the end of the date, depending on which choice was made.

Best Option

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (158)

Aw maaaan... That was a waste of time...
I thought I would've enjoyed hanging out with you, Shuichi. But I was wrong...

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (159)

...Just kidding!
I had a lot of fun, Shuichi! All thanks to you! I'm totes surprised!

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (160)

Let's head back to the dorms together.
Good Option

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (161)

Yeah, I had a pretty good time.
I don't have to be nice to you, so it's really easy to hang out with you, Shuichi.

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (162)

Welp, let's head back.
Bad Option

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (163)

Hmm... You need some more practice, Shuichi.
Practice for what, ya say? Practice to entertain me, that's what!

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (164)

Soooo, I'm gonna head back alone.
Worst Option

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (165)

I'm pretty hated among people, but when I'm with totally outmatch me...
I've never met anyone so inconsiderate of other people's feelings, until you...

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (166)

Welp, this is awkward. I'm gonna go now.

Harmonious Heart[]

Harmonious Heart is a minigame in Love Across the Universe. It uses mechanics similar to the Non Stop Debate trial minigame during Class Trials. During this event, Shuichi will get insight into Kokichi's inner thoughts, and can refute or confirm something he is anxious about by using special Truth Bullets called "deny" and "affirm". Successfully navigating this event is necessary to unlock Kokichi's ending.


Kokichi's Harmonious Heart

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (167)

What should I do...
If I wanna become closer to Shuichi...
I probably shouldn't lie so much...

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (168)

But that's my shtick...or more like, my way of life...
Maybe I should stop lying altogether...
Wait, that's a little...

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (169)

Oh, I know!
What if...instead of me changing, Shuichi changes instead!

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (170)

I'll get him to love lying!


Affirm: love lying!

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (171)

I'll never tell you that I love it...but perhaps I can learn to tolerate it.

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (172)

...I didn't realize how small your determination was, Shuichi.

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (173)


Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (174)

You hate lies for such a petty reason...
I'm so disappointed in you!

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (175)

...That's a lie too, right?

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (176)

Nee-heehee... O-kay, I guess you're starting to get me pretty well, Shuichi.
I'm so glad I met someone who can truly understand me.

Wow. Maybe I was born into this world just to meet you, Shuichi.

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (177)

Good, it seems like we both had a lot of fun.
Deny: stop lying altogether...

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (178)

I can't imagine a Kokichi Oma that isn't a liar...

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (179)

Weeeell... I knew you would say that.

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (180)

But I'm a weirdo! When someone tells me to stop, I just wanna do it more!

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (181)

With that said... I'm gonna resign from lying!
From this point on...I swear to the sun that I won't tell bad lies, or even good lies, anymore!

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (182)

I don't even have to challenge him on that, I'm *positive* that's a lie.

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (183)

I think this conversation went well.
Affirm: stop lying altogether...

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (184)

If you just spoke to me honestly, I think I could understand you more, Kokichi.

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (185)

Honestly, I don't really wanna get along with you if I have to give up who I truly am.

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (186)


Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (187)

I don't feel like you're worth changing for.
What, did you think you were the kind of person that others would change themselves for?
If so, then you're pretty arrogant. Change that way of thinking.

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (188)

It seems that it's impossible to get Kokichi to stop lying.

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (189)

It seems like that didn't go well...
Deny: love lying!

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (190)

I don't think it's possible to condition yourself to enjoy lying...

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (191)

Wh-What...? Does that don't wanna get along with me?

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (192)

Ah, no, that's not what I mean...

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (193)

How cruuuuuuel! I just wanted to be your friend!

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (194)

WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!! You're a monster, Shuichi!

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (195)

...You're faking it, aren't you?

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (196)

Well, I still think you're a monster.
You're so close-minded. Don't get your panties in a bunch from a couple of lies.

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (197)

Damn, this is awkward...

Kokichi's Graduation Event[]

If Shuichi has achieved all 10 hearts by the 10th day of Love Across the Universe, he will unlock Kokichi's Graduation Event.

Kokichi's Graduation Event
Before I left the academy... I decided to talk alone with Kokichi.
This is the last day we'll spend at this academy...
This school life was crazy, but now that I think back on it, we had some good times.

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (198) shocks me how booooring our school life was.
I thought there would be at least one or two murders...

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (199)

Nee-heehee... But I'm so glad nothing violent happened.

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (200)

...Is that a lie?

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (201)

Who can say?
I've been lying so much lately that I can't even tell what's true or not anymore.

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (202)

Oh, yeah... Do you still remember our promise, Shuichi?

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (203)


Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (204)

Y-You forgot... How could you...? But we swore to each other...
Y-You're lying, right!? You remember it, don't you!?

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (205)

The promise I made to Kokichi...
To join his evil organization?

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (206)

To join your evil organization?

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (207)

Yeah, that! You have to work under me for free as a member of my secret organization—

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (208)

No, wait! I never promised anything like that!

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (209)

Oh. Do you remember then?

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (210)

Phew, that was close. The real promise was...
To let him kill me?

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (211)

To let you kill me?

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (212)

So, you actually remember.
Yeah, you promised you would lose in a game. And after that, I would get to kill you.

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (213)

Wait...didn't I win that game? You forfeited.

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (214)

Booooring. You totally remember.

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (215)

Phew, that was close. The real promise was...
I didn't make any promises...

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (216)

Wait a minute, I didn't make any promises...

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (217)

Welp, I guess you remember.

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (218)

A liar to the end, huh Kokichi?

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (219)

If I don't have lies, then I don't have anything else! My body is made up of 70% lies!

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (220)

That's...not exactly something to be proud of.

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (221)

But hey, my lies never bored you, right?

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (222)

I don't want to admit it... But that is true.
Because Kokichi kept lying and never clued me in on his real intentions...
I felt like I was being drawn in, always wanting to know more.

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (223)

I suppose I was in the palm of your hand until the very end...

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (224)

Hearing those words from you tooootally made lying worth it!
Since I lie to entertain people!

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (225)

That's a lie too, isn't it?

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (226)

Who knows?
Well anyway, let's keep this relationship going even after we get out of here.

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (227)

Even after we get out of here?

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (228)

Because you don't actually know anything about me, do you?
You wanna get to know the real me, right?

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (229)

Then you should stay by my side.

Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (230)

...Kokichi is right.
I want... I want to know more about him.
Where do the lies end and the truth begins?
What about him is true? What about him is not true?
To find all that out...I shook the hand extended to me.
He can lie about a lot of things...But he can't hide the warmth of his hand.
And thus, our days at the Ultimate Academy for Gifted Juveniles...
came to an end.

After completing Kokichi's Love Across the Universe ending, you will receive the following Present:

118. Kokichi's Undergarments
Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (231)Kokichi's favorite trendy underwear. Being a tease where it can't be seen is what true fashion is all about.


Bonus School Mode
School ModeAoiByakuyaCelestiaChihiroHifumiJunkoKiyotakaKyokoLeonMondoSakuraSayakaTokoYasuhiro
Island ModeAkaneByakuyaChiakiFuyuhikoGundhamHiyokoIbukiKazuichiMahiruMikanNagitoNekomaruPekoSoniaTeruteru
Love Across the UniverseAngieGontaHimikoK1-B0KaedeKaitoKirumiKokichiKorekiyoMakiMiuRantaroRyomaTenkoTsumugi
Love Across the Universe/Kokichi Oma (2024)


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Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

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